theorčin biografia di Karen Chew-USA Karen Chew e’ un’artista, una disegnatrice edile e una istruttrice.
E’ la proprietaria della Karen Chew Designs and Studio, una ditta specializzata in disegni edili e arte con sede nella Contea di San Mateo.
Come artista lavora ed espone in California, negli Stati Uniti e all’estero.
Come disegnatrice e ispettrice edile, Karen produce disegni per licenze edili per clienti locali.
E’ anche consulente edile e fornisce valutazioni di edifici nuovi ed esistenti secondo il nuovo parametro dell’Edilizia Verde.
Come membro della Commissione Artistica della Contea di San Mateo, Karen sta lavorando a progetti riguardanti l’arte, che coinvolgono artisti e scuole locali.
Karen Chew is a working artist,
Building designer and instructor.
She is the purveyor of Karen Chew Design and Studio, a building design and fine art studio located in San Mateo County.
As a working artist,she continues to create and show work in California,United Stetes,and abroad.
As building designer and ICC certifield building inspector,she continues to design and create permit drawings for clients in the area.
Karen is also a CGBP(Certified Green Building Professional), Green New Home Rater and Advisor,Green Existing Home Advisor.
Please email il you have any questions about remodelling and additions to your existing home or office-no project’s too small!
I’m more than happy to chat with you.
Also serving on the San Mateo County Arts Commission,Karen is working on a few Community projects for the arts,artists,and arts in education.
Stay tuned for more developing juicy details.
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