theorčin biografia di Henning Mitterdorf-GERMANY Henning Mitterford é nato nel 1938.
Ha due figlie. Dal 1953 vive, sebbene con interruzioni, a Francoforte.
Nel 1956 si é avvicinato alla conoscenza della teoria e della pratica artistica, in primo luogo nella Stadel Abendschule e nella Volkshochschule a Francoforte, nell’ universitá di Berlino cosí come in quella di Monchen e attraverso laboratori e viaggi-studio a Francoforte, Trier, Seguret e Ledenon in Francia.
Nel 1980 Henning Mitterford opta a favore di una interconnessione artistica per espandere ed intensificare le sue attivitá creative entrando nella rete globale dell’Arte Contemporanea.
Dal 1970 in poi Henning Mitterford partecipa a livello internazionale attraverso una comunicazione verbale e non, e presentandosi in numerose corrispondenze e incontri con altri artisti di Arte Contemporanea. Organizza 45 mostre personali in Belgio, Danimarca, Francia, Italia, USA…
Partecipa a numerose mostre con raccolte di stampe, libri e riviste; a collezioni pubbliche e private, in mentions within print media and other ones,in several distinctions e con la HeMiSpheres-Archives, punto di riflessione della sua Arte e del suo Network.
Esibisce opere proprie e lavori di collaborazione. Inoltre ha esibito la sua opera nel Museum Communication di Francoforte.
Indirizzo: Allendorfer strasse 20BD-60433 Frankfurt Main Germany
HeMi has been born in 1938.
He has together with his wite two daugheters.Since 1953 he lives with interruptions in Frankfurt am main.
1956 he starded acquiring his knowledge concerning artistic theory and practice,above all a the Stadel Abendschule and at the Volkshochschule in Frankfurt am Main,at the Universities of Berlin as well as of Monchen and during workshops as study trips in Frankfurt am Main, Trier,Seguret-France and Ledenon France.
In 1980 HeMi has decided in favour of the conscious artistic interconnection to expand and to intensify his artistic activies entering the global network of Art Contemporany.
From 1970 on HeMi’s World-Wide artistic partecipation Verbal communication and non-Verbal interaction,manifested itself beyond the numerous correspodences and Art meeting whit his in particular Art Contemporany partners stili:in 45 personal exhibition in Belgium,Denmark,France,Italy,Usa.....
Above ali in numerous exhibition and many editions,like collective prints,collections of prints,cooperative book and cooperative periodicals,in the public and private collecting oh his works,in mentions within print media and other ones,in several distinctions and in his HeMiSpheres-Archives as reflection of his artistic works and networking.
It shows own,others’ and cooperative works,documents as well as documentations and has gone to the Museum Communication in Frakfurt.
ADDRESS: Allendorfer Strasse 20BD-60433 Frankfurt Main Germany
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